The following definitions are consistent with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Territorial sea
The territorial sea extends from the baselines to a maximum distance of 12 nautical miles, calculated from the baselines.
The State has full sovereignty over the bed and subsoil, surface and underlying water column and air space.
Sovereignty shall not, however, hinder the right of innocent passage of which the ships of all States benefit in the territorial sea.
Traffic separation scheme
Routeing measure aimed at the separation of opposing streams of traffic by appropriate means and notably by the establishment of traffic lanes. The measures taken aim at improving navigation safety in areas where navigation is threatened by the density of traffic associated with various natural difficulties.
Transversal limits of the sea
In estuaries, it distinguishes the maritime public domain (downstream) from the fluvial public domain (if the river in question is state-owned) or from the private domain of local residents (upstream). It constitutes the true limit of the sea (in national law) and serves as a reference to determine the municipalities "bordering the sea" within the meaning of the act of 3 January 1986 (Coastlines act). Pursuant to decrees no. 2004-112 of 6 February 2004 and no. 2005-1514 of 6 December 2005, it determines the respective areas of responsibility of the prefects (upstream) and State representatives at sea (downstream - maritime prefects and government delegates for state action overseas).