Traffic and shipping
This theme gathers information on the limits that regulate maritime traffic and navigation. At present, these are mainly limits defined by the maritime prefectures, the Directorate of Maritime Affairs, and the IMO.
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Search ans Rescue Areas
Referent | OMI (the International Maritime Organization) |
Producer | Shom |
Data provider | |
Metadata | BDML_SAR.xml |
Geo services | couche SAR_PYR_PNG_3857_WMSR |
Downloading | SAR.7z |
Constraints | Do not use for navigation - Free use provided that sources are cited. Open Licence (version 2.0 of April 2017), defined by the Etalab mission |
Traffic Separation Scheme
Referent | OMI (the International Maritime Organization) |
Producer | Shom |
Data provider | |
Metadata | BDML_DST.xml |
Geo services | |
Downloading | DST_PACK.7z |
Constraints | Do not use for navigation - Free use provided that sources are cited. Open Licence (version 2.0 of April 2017), defined by the Etalab mission |
Navigation categories for professionnal ships
Referent | La direction générale des affaires maritimes, de la pêche et de l'aquaculture (DGAMPA) |
Producer | Shom |
Data provider | |
Geo services | |
Constraints | Do not use for navigation - Free use provided that sources are cited. Open Licence (version 2.0 of April 2017), defined by the Etalab mission |
Maritime ship classes
Referent | La direction générale des affaires maritimes, de la pêche et de l'aquaculture (DGAMPA) |
Producer | Cerema/Shom |
Data provider | |
Geo services | |
Constraints | Do not use for navigation - Free use provided that sources are cited. Open Licence (version 2.0 of April 2017), defined by the Etalab mission |
Search ans Rescue Areas
The application of the International Maritime Organization Circular (IMO No. SAR.8/Circ.4 of 1 December 2012).
Traffic Separation Scheme
IMO Circular SN/Circ.198 of 26 May 1998 amended by IMO Circular SN/Circ.201 of 26 May 1998 and IMO Circular SN/Circ.309 of 28 May 2012; Arrêté de la Préfecture Maritime de la Méditerranée 147/2018 of 9 July 2018
IMO Circular COLREG.2/Circ.51 of 31 May 2002 amended by IMO Circular COLREG.2/Circ. 75 Annex 3 of 11 November 2020; Order of the Préfecture Maritime de l'Atlantique 2021/057 of 5 May 2021
IMO Assembly Resolution - A284 (8) of 20 November 1973
IMO Circular COLREG.2/Circ.51 of 31 May 2002; Order of the Préfecture Maritime de l'Atlantique 2021/057 of 5 May 2021
IMO Circular COLREG.2/Circ.67 of 20 May 2016; Arrêté de la préfecture maritime de la Méditerranée 256/2016 of 24 November 2016
Order of the Préfecture Maritime de la Méditerranée 147/2018 of 9 July 2018
IMO Resolution MSC.85(70) of 7 December 1998; Decree n° 2003-1132 of 24 November 2003 publishing Resolution MSC.85(70)
Order of the Préfecture Maritime de l'Atlantique 2021/057 of 5 May 2021
IMO Resolution MSC.110(73) of 1 December 2000; Decree n° 2001-800 of 28 August 2001 publishing Resolution MSC.110 (73)
Navigation categories for professionnal ships
This data is not up to date with the Order of 30 August 2021, amending the Order of 23 November 1987 on ship safety, which now raises the limit for 4th category ships to 5 miles from the nearest coast.
II.14 of Article 1 of Decree No. 84-810 of 30 August 1984, as amended, the navigation categories are defined by Article 110.10 of the regulations annexed to the Order of 23 November 1987 on ship safety.
Maritime ship classes
The digitised geographical information is in application of directive 2009/45/EC, the classes of maritime zones are defined by article 223.2 of the regulations annexed to the decree of 23 November 1987 on the safety of ships.
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