Limits of competence and reporting
This theme gathers information on administrative boundaries establishing jurisdiction or defined for reporting purposes. At present, this mainly concerns administrative boundaries in watercourses and the boundary of the preventive archaeology fee.
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Transverse limit of the sea
Referent | |
Producer | Shom |
Data provider | |
Metadata | |
Geo services | |
Downloading | LTM.7z |
Constraints | Do not use for navigation - Free use provided that sources are cited. Open Licence (version 2.0 of April 2017), defined by the Etalab mission |
Saline limit of waters
Referent | |
Producer | Shom |
Data provider | |
Metadata | |
Geo services | |
Downloading | LSE.7z |
Constraints | Do not use for navigation - Free use provided that sources are cited. Open Licence (version 2.0 of April 2017), defined by the Etalab mission |
Limit of maritime affairs
Referent | |
Producer | Shom |
Data provider | |
Metadata | BDML_LIMITE_LIM.xml |
Geo services | |
Downloading | LAM.7z |
Constraints | Do not use for navigation - Free use provided that sources are cited. Open Licence (version 2.0 of April 2017), defined by the Etalab mission |
Limit of the preventive archeology licence fee
Referent | |
Producer | Shom |
Data provider | |
Metadata | BDML_RAP.xml |
Geo services | |
Downloading | RAP-DRASSM.7z |
Constraints | Do not use for navigation - Free use provided that sources are cited. Open Licence (version 2.0 of April 2017), defined by the Etalab mission |
Land-sea limit
Referent | |
Producer | Shom |
Data provider | |
Metadata | BDML_LIMTM.xml |
Geo services | |
Downloading | limite_terre_mer_france_metropolitaine.7z |
Constraints | Not to be used for navigation. Free use provided that the source is cited as follows: "Shom-IGN, 2021.". The land-sea boundary co-produced by Shom and IGN and put into service in December 2021 is not an official regulatory boundary, but the result of a technical consensus used notably for reporting purposes. See the "Recommendations for use concerning the limits between land and sea" to identify the uses and limitations of this data. This is an administrative limit and not a regulatory one, see the explanatory document. |
Please note that the exhaustiveness of the legal texts is not guaranteed for this theme.
Transverse limit of the sea
Decree of 14 juin 1899 (Vire) PDF
Order of 30 janvier 1991 (MARONI) PDF
Decree of 26 aout 1857 (Gironde) PDF
Decree of 14 juin 1899 (Baie grand vey) PDF
Decree n°139 of 24/02/1869 (Seine) PDF
Order n°863 of 26 mai 1986 (OYAPOCK), PDF
Prefectoral Order n°2500/DDE of 27 novembre 1983 (APPROUAGUE) , PDF
Order n°836 -1D/4B of 21 may 1986 (KOUROU), PDF
Order 2009-5-304 of 27 january 2009 (Orb), PDF
Decree of 21 october 1898 (Elorn Daoulas), PDF
Decree of 09 september 1899 (Charente), PDF
Order n°262 of 03 february 1986 (IRACOUBO), PDF
Decree of 12 march 1915 (Falleron), PDF
Decree of 25 february 2005 (Crach), PDF
Order 2009-5-203 of 27 january 2009 (Herault), PDF
Order 2010-160-007 of 09 june 2010 (Agly), PDF
Order n°870 / 3D-2B of 22 june 1983 (MANA), PDF
Decree of 03 june 1899 (Aven), PDF
Decree of 18 april 1924 (Dain), PDF
Order 2010-160-006 of 09 june 2010 (Bourdigou), PDF
Decree of 05 september 1899 (Arguenon), PDF
Prefectoral Order n°712 of 26 may 1983 no text
Saline limit of waters
Order n°615-IM of 01 July 1955 (Prefect of Réunion),
Order n° 2015-014 du 04 june 2015, (RAA only from 2017)
Limit of maritime affairs
Decree n° 59-951 of 31 july 1959
(The data disseminated is probably not up to date with the last modification, a decree in 2020)
Limits of the preventive archaeology fee
Defined by the Heritage Code.
In metropolitan France, at the level of the Gironde estuary, the limit for preventive archaeology fees is set at the transverse limit of the sea as defined in the decree of 26 August 1857.
In French Guyana, the limit of the preventive archaeology fee is set in the Maroni and Oyapock rivers at the transverse limits of the sea defined respectively by the decree of 30 January 1991 and decree no. 863 of 26 May 1986, up to the point where they meet the land borders delimiting these rivers with neighbouring states.