Occupation and use of the maritime domain
This theme gathers information relating to the limits regulating occupations (e.g. ports, submarine cables, MRE, marine aquaculture, etc.) and activities (e.g. fishing, dredging and dumping, material extraction, etc.) in the maritime domain.
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Limits related to fishery uses
Referent | Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation /DGAMPA |
Producer | Shom |
Data provider | data.shom.fr |
Metadata | BDML_LIMITES_PECHE.xml |
Geo services | https://services.data.shom.fr/INSPIRE/wfs https://services.data.shom.fr/INSPIRE/wms/v |
Downloading | PECHE-DPMA.7z |
Constraints | Do not use for navigation - Free use provided that sources are cited. Open Licence (version 2.0 of April 2017), defined by the Etalab mission |
Military practice area
Referent | Préfectures maritimes et publications aéronautiques françaises (AIP) du Service de l'Information Aéronautique (SIA |
Producer | Shom |
Data provider | data.shom.fr |
Metadata | BDML_ZONEX.xml |
Geo services | https://services.data.shom.fr/INSPIRE/wfs https://services.data.shom.fr/INSPIRE/wms/v |
Downloading | ZONEX_PACK.7z |
Constraints | Do not use for navigation - Free use provided that sources are cited. Open Licence (version 2.0 of April 2017), defined by the Etalab mission. Free use subject to citing sources. "Shom, 2024. Zones d'exercices. http://dx.doi.org/10.17183/ZONEX" |
Maritime Spatial Planning
Referent | Interregional Sea Directorates (DIRM) |
Producer | Shom |
Data provider | data.shom.fr |
Geo services | https://services.data.shom.fr/INSPIRE/wfs https://services.data.shom.fr/INSPIRE/wms/v |
Constraints | Do not use for navigation - Free use provided that sources are cited. Open Licence (version 2.0 of April 2017), defined by the Etalab mission. Free use subject to citing sources. "Shom, 2024. Zones d'exercices. Planification maritime. https://dx.doi.org/10.17183/MSP". |
Limits on fishing uses
3 nautical mile limit for fisheries
The regulatory part of Book IX of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code is defined by Decree No 2014-1608 of 26 December 2014. In particular, Article D922-16 of the annex to the decree defines a limit relating to fishing at three nautical miles from the low water mark of the mainland and those of the islands and islets permanently emerging.
In the specific case of Mayotte, and in accordance with Article 61 of Prefectoral Decree No 2018-681 of 30 July 2018 regulating maritime fishing in the waters of the Department of Mayotte, this limit is defined as three nautical miles from the baselines.
Inner limit of the coastal fishing zone
Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013, in paragraph 2 of its Article 5, allows Member States to establish coastal fishing strips along their coastline. These zones allow Member States to restrict fishing of certain species to certain Member States and according to established rules (quotas, limited fishing season). The description of the coastal fishing bands for France is set out in Part 6 of Annex 1.
Overseas fishing limits
Articles R951-14 and R953-5 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code define a limit of 100 nautical miles from the baselines for certain overseas communities.
Maritime Spatial Planning
Directive 2014/89/EU - Maritime Spatial Planning Directive (MSPD)
- At the French national level, the Géolittoral portal disseminates data on the uses of marine space : https://www.geolittoral.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/
- At European level, the EMODnet Human Activities portal disseminates data on the use of marine space: https://ows.emodnet-humanactivities.eu